How do you increase heat tolerance in plants? : Strategies and Approaches

As you all know that temperature around us is keep on rising day by day, so increasing the heat tolerance in plants is a very typical task that we want. First temperature is rising so the heat is rising which is having a very severe impact on the plant production and Agriculture. To make the plant heat tolerant there are certain tips and strategies that need to be follow up.

How do plants tolerate excess heat?

Before going to the procedure that is to be followed or carried out for making the plant heat tolerant the question arises what makes the plant to bear access heat. The process of evaporation is the primary mechanism that is carried out in the plant, evaporating water throw it pores that is present on the leaves of a plant, to get enough water from its surroundings. If plant don’t get water from the soil or direct watering then the pores we get closed and makes it unable to bear high temperature. Because of stomata closure that is closer of Pores that is present on the leaves of a plant that temperature of a plant rises up to 4 to 5 degree Celsius.

Heat stress physiology in plants

here I am discussing the heat stress physiology in plant. To increase the heat tolerant in plant it is necessary to understand how much temperature can a plant can bear.

Normal plants can survive at45°C
dry seeds can tolerate120°C
pollen grains of some plants survive at70°C

Drawbacks of heat stress

  • heat stress inhibits photosynthesis, and saw the respiration that is the most important temperature rising compensation point.
  • decline in carbohydrate reserve as a result of temperature rise, the fruit or vegetable fall off.
  • Heat stress modifies membrane composition hand has leakage of ions.
  • Because of heat stress plant adapted itself to thermotolerant system that is called Acclimation. And Acclimation causes accumulation of fatty acid in the membrane

Tips to increase heat tolerance in plants

You can correlate he fresh on the plants with reduce photosynthesis which less to reduce plant production and even may led to plant death. So it is very necessary and important step to make the plant heat resistant, we cannot make the plant completely heat resident but can make some efforts which can prepare the plant to tolerate heat.

Use heat tolerant plant varieties

There are certain varieties of plant which can tolerate the heat to the maximum extent, and provides the maximum yield even in the maximum exposure to the sun. I will must suggest you to plant these plant varieties which can tolerate maximum heat stress. These plant varieties is include marigold, geranium, cosmos, sedum etc

Use shady area or the place with less direct sunlight

When there is too much ship there are certain plant which do not need that much amount of direct light but you need to do exactly is just move the plant or pot into the shaded reason of your house if you are maintaining a home garden or a small balcony Garden. Even you can use a readymade shade over the area if it is not possible to move each and every plant to the shade area, or on a place where the plant don’t get direct sunlight.

green potted plants on brown wooden seat

Proper watering of the plant

When there is too much heat you must water the plant properly at regular interval generally each day sometimes when there is access heat you might need to water twice a day. I will recommend on this topic that you must check and ensure the variety or quality of the plant if really these plants need water, certain plants don’t need much of water. if you over water the plant it may die because of the situation of getting fungus because of over watering.

Maintain moisture in the soil

As temperature in our surroundings is rising so maintaining the soil moisture is very necessary and essential steps to be taken care of. As because of rise in temperature the water in the soil evaporates to the maximum extent if there is no water in the soil what will plant absorb. So making it difficult for the plant to carry out its photosynthesis process to make food or growth so you must check the moisture of the soil and the quality of the soil.

Use of biotechnology

The advance methods in the field of biotechnology help to attain the required heat tolerant plant varieties by implementing genetic modification. The process is attend by researchers and scientist, what do the exactly do is they just induce heat resistant behaviour to induce the quality into the crops which are less heat tolerant.

Use of mix breed

Using of makes bread or the varieties of the plant that tolerate heat so much exchange with less sorted heat is the very much effective and low cost procedure to be followed technique. Plants live for example aloe vera, snake plant is a heat tolerant plant which besides its medicinal the properties also maintain its environment temperature quiet Low and also maintain the oxygen in the air.

Use of plant regulating chemicals known as heat shock proteins HSPs

There are certain chemicals which helps to maintain the plant growth and have seen regulating the photosynthesis that is its process of making food even in the condition of heat stress. These chemicals include cytokinins and many others are available in the market but you must use them under the supervision of a practice or under some guidance don’t use the it directly over the plants without guidance.


As maintaining the plant in excess heat is the very critical issue. However there are certain methods prices or tape which you can follow to make the plant heat resistant the most useful strategy according to my observation and research, the most effective is use of mix breed and use of plant growth regulators. I hope you always like the article and share it with your friends and family member also on social media platform.

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