What is best to spray on plants for bugs? : What works and why?

In this article, I will discuss about what is the best on plants for bugs. As you all know that it is become the most important and the crucial step to prevent plant from insects or bugs. So it is the most important for any farmer or gardener to prevent the plants from insect. Defectational generally uses pesticides as the spray on plants for its protection. Now the question arises to which spray is best for which plant and in what quantity also and having an effective result with no loss to plant.

Advantages of organic pesticide over chemical pesticide

  • There is no side effect or the bad effect over the plant after using the organic pesticide as compared to the chemical pesticides.
  • Organic pesticide don’t effect the quality of the soil and so help to maintain its nutrients as compared to chemical pesticides.
  • Organic pesticides being organic in nature have minimal enviornmental degradation .
  • Organic pesticides are safer for humans as on plants or which they are spray out will not have adverse effect on the health of the humans.
  • As organic pesticides origin is plants or animals so it is not having harmful residuous after the application of the product.

Types of Organic pesticides

As you all no organic pesticides are those whose origin is nature. So it is not full for the plants. Many of the insecticides a passage that I have described below can be used as insect repellent. And some also can be used to protect the plants from fungus also.

Homemade pesticides

Now I will tell you a pesticide that you can use on any plant or any vegetable of fruits without having loss the quality of the plant. The reason which prevent a box or insect coming again to the plant or the farm is its smell. Its smell is such that insects do not like it and make it away from the plant. It is just a great pesticide, you must make it and apply on the plant and you will surely get the result. You can apply this homemade pesticides every 10 to 15 days over the plant

Steps to make this homemade pesticide

  • take piece of ginger, one onion, one garlic , 3-4 green chilli in a bowl and cut all these into small pieces.
  • Now finally cut these vegetables into small pieces. After cutting these vegetables put them into a mixer jar and grind them all in the grinder
  • now after grinding the mixture take it out in an air tight plastic container.
  • now according to vegetable taken in starting you will get approximately 100 to 200 gram of the mixture. According to the weight for amount of the mixture obtained you must check the same amount of the jaggery. The amount of mixture is 150 gram then take 150 gram of jaggery and vice versa.
  • now pour the Jagger in to the mixture and mix it well with the mixer.
  • close the container tightly with its lif and keep it as it is for at least one week.
  • then if you open it after one week the product will look like as in picture.
  • now filter is mixed up from a stainer.
  • you will get a very strong pesticide now I will tell you the quantity how will you use it now take one litre of water in a spray bottle and mix 5 ml of this mixture.
  • you can use this mixture or pesticide on any type of plant. Yet I will tell you your plant attacked by ants, ephids, jessits, mites etc. will surely get result with this mixture within 24 hours.

Neem oil

name oil beside it’s medicinal properties can be used as an insecticide over the plant to prevent it from bugs or insects that damage the plant. The effect of this insecticide is also great and can be used on any kind of plant.

Step to main make insecticide from Neem oil

  • As you know, neem oil is available in the market. Buy neem oil from a trustworthy source.
  • now take 1 l of water in a spray bottle and mix 3-5 ml of neem oil into the water.
  • The solution is ready and can be used on any kind of plant is out and is also too much effective.

Baking soda

Baking soda is the most easily available product in any kitchen. Now I will tell you this step by step process how you can make a strong insecticide or fungicide solution from baking soda. You must use baking soda and not taking baking powder. Baking soda is 100% organic as it comes from Earth. I will recommend you to stop using chemical pesticides go on for organic one. War of baking soda is biodegradable 100% organic and nontoxic.

Steps to make insecticide from baking soda

  • for this you must have baking soda packet which is easily available in the market and if it is not in your kitchen. You can Purchase baking soda powder from any grocery market shop.
  • now take one litre of water in a spray bottle and pour
  • now add two teaspoon of breaking soda into the water. You can add this teaspoon if the affect attack of insect is to extensive
  • mix one teaspoon of vegetable oil you can use any type of oil like olive oil or any other sunflower oil, but if you use neem oil on it, it will have amazing effect.
  • now mix one teaspoon of soap detergent into the mixture, any eco friendly soap. Their are many eco friendly soap available in the market.
  • stir the mixture thoroughly to mix it well.

Types of insects or bugs that will effect the plant

There are insects which damage the plants before using any kind of insecticide or pesticide over the plant you must know which and what type of insect actually damage the plant.

  1. Aphids
  2. Ants
  3. Black flies
  4. Native ladybugs
  5. Ladybug larvae
  6. Mili bugs
  7. thrips
  8. mites
  9. caterpillars
  10. soil fungus
  11. worms
  12. plant fungus like powdery mildew
  13. leaf rust
  14. leaf miners
  15. Black spot disease


In the article I have really explain the why organic pesticides are very useful and why we should use them and after what interveral we should use them. we should use organic pesticides after every 10 to 15 days for excellent results. Moreover please not that the use of pesticides depends of many things the type of insect which is infect the plant, the quality of the nature of the plant according to the pesticide use, the environment conditions also affect. I hope you all will like the article and also share with your friends and family members

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