Why does my orchid grow leaves but no flowers

In this blog I will discuss about orchid why my orchid is growing leaves but no flowers. I will start by just discussing the mistake about the new inexperienced orchid growers do. And that is after the orchid blooms. They will leave the whole entire dried flower spike on the orchid. One reason that is very dangerous is because if you do that there is a very good chance bacteria start to grow on that decaying piece of plant and and that bacteria will form into mold and then that will start to rot and that will you itself affect the plant.

but that does not affect how the orchid brooms at affected bloom cycle. It is just a quick little tip always remember to cut it off so that it grows I didn’t do the next part.

if you want to grow your or to bloom your orchid quickly again and healthy and wonta new healthy bloom then you must cut it all the way down at the lowest node and that will look like this.

Mistakes that you should avoid while caring orchids if it is not blooming

if you grow orchid with proper care guidance knowledge and a little bit of information about orchid you will definitely get flowers on it. For beginners dendrobium orchids are easy to grow and maintain, you have come up on this article to know why some people buy orchid from the market with flowers but after some days when these flowers fed of the new orchid flowers don’t come out. Orchid needs the same native environment as it is found in same high humidity and rain forest area type environment

as you know orchid is a very delicate plant and it needs a special care to get bloom. You must avoid these mistakes in order to achieve maximum yield of orchid and the flowers on the orchids.

  • the first thing that you should keep in mind is the selection of pots. There should be holes or slits on the lateral site of the pots so that the aerial rules come out of the pot. There are awesome aerial roots which needs enough air if you don’t make any hall or slates in the lateral side then roots will get suffocratic and it may be a reason for the orchid brand that is not blooming.
  • the next step is to follow is selection of potting mix. While selecting potting mix you should include tree bark charcoal Coco chip perlite shagnum moss etc. don’t use any kind of Garden soil or any other type of controls for the potting mix asics are epiphytes on big tree in rainforest area.
  • the third point to consider is watering of plant as you all long proper watering is very attention component of any plant to get bloom for orchids it needs a special care so don’t do pottery from above as it’s leaves don’t like water or on the corner of the water if you drop for the water from above side then the water will be at the corners and it will make the leaves rotten so to award this problem you take a bucket with 3 inch full of water and put the pocket pot into the bucket for 10 to 15 minutes. Then make it out and allow it to get extra water remove top and this is what your pocket plants gets watered. If you are using a spagnum moss in the potting mixture then water it after every 7 days and if you are not using Spagnum moss than water it every alternate day
  • don’t grow the orchid plant in direct sunlight as orchids grow in rain forest area and they grow on the stem under the canopy of the big trees and they don’t get direct sunlight and they use diffused sunlight and generally hates direct sunlight. If you grow in direct sunlight then the leaves will get burn and will get damage. So grow orchids only inside the room or away from direct sunlight if you are growing it under inside the room then put the plant in beside the window so that it get if you sunlight.
  • do not cut the bloom from spike from the lower side, only cut the bloom from the as much height as possible if you cut from as much as height then new blooms will get grow.

  • If their is some water drop of on the leaves or flowers then you must wipe off or soak off with the napkin or towel as it will damage the plant leave as well as the blooms.


The information provided here is the best and safe that is that I have represented here after my research and internet search, you can bloom your orchid that is having leave but is not blowing as orchid is a very special plant and you can find flowers on it it will take up to 6 months as it is its bloom cycle. For more interesting blocks like this keeping touch with the block and don’t also share with your friends and family members on social media platform. Thank you very much.

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